• Longford
  • Land
217 Norwich Drive
*Inspection by appointment only*

Nestled halfway between Longford and Launceston along Pateena Road, this remarkable 16.5-hectare property offers a unique blend of location, lifestyle, and potential.

With a constructed dam perfect for swimming and picnics, magnificent rock walls showcasing expert craftsmanship, and a large, level north-facing building pad ready for your vision, this land is an invitation to create something truly special.

Ideally located just 20 minutes from Launceston and 15 minutes from Longford, it provides the perfect balance of privacy and convenience. This is your chance to design and build an architectural masterpiece in Tasmania's stunning countryside.

The information on this website has in part been supplied to Harrison Agents Launceston by third parties and all information is published solely for potential purchasers to assist them in deciding whether or not they wish to make further enquiries about the properties. Harrison Agents Launceston has not checked the accuracy of the information and does no more than pass it on.

Property Information

  • Residential Sale
  • TAS
  • Launceston & Northern
  • Longford
  • Land
  • Sold
  • 16.5 ha